Ecstasy hit the streets of Dublin sometime around the time that I turned 16 or 17 years of age. I don’t remember my parents ever talking to me about the dangers of drug taking, but thankfully I was too much of a chicken shit to take any. Plus, I was really vain, liked to show off on the dance floor and didn’t like the way people looked when they were marouavih.
Loads of my friends took drugs at the time; some have left this world because of addiction, some have health issues today due to drug taking in the past and some are absolutely fine.
Still, I worry about the advances in the manufacturing of drugs now, how I’m going to approach the subject with my kids when they’re experimental teens. It’s news stories like the ones this one this week, when there’s a ‘bad batch’ that could potentially kill our kids, that keeps me awake at night.
Read more here: Via The Irish Times