Tired of reading parenting magazines and articles featuring ‘perfect’ parents, warnings against having babies too young, too old, too…middlely(!)…. and that if you don’t plan to breast feed for the first ten years of your child’s life, you’re already a terrible parent?
Well you won’t get any of that judgmental rubbish here. Read our honest and enlightening blog from Sharyn Hayden and a host of other highly entertaining contributors. It’ll all put a smile on your face, promise…
Two years ago, at age 45, I made an appointment to visit the GP. “I’m menopausal!”, I declared. “I’ve put on a stone overnight, no warning, and my stomach is all squishy. Also, my periods are fucked and my hair is falling out. My things, my.. hormones.. must be acting up, right?” He checked everything, […] It’s been ten years since I published a book. TEN YEARS. I don’t know where it’s gone. I don’t know where I’ve been. I don’t know what’s happened. A woman I mention this to throws an arm over my shoulders, stares off into the distance and gently whispers, ‘Motherhood is what’s happened’, like we are […] Ass Monkey and I have moved house now a total of FOUR TIMES since Jacob was born. That’s four counts of “I am going to punch you right in the face if you don’t bubble wrap my favourite coffee mug properly before chucking it into the moving boxes” in the last eleven years. So.. what’s […] Eva is now in second class. AKA ‘Oh lovely, she’s in communion year’. Except that she’s not making her communion because we are not a religious family. Yes she’s in an Irish Catholic school BECAUSE THEY ALL ARE (I know, I know, Educate Together are great but not always accessible to everyone) and they are […] Jacob is 11. 11. Sounds like a little kids age, right? “An eleven year old with a dream of being an astronaut was surprised on the Late Late Toy Show with a visit from a NASA space engineer’. You’d think, ‘Cute, that little kid had their dream come true!’. Right? Except that Jacob is not […] Welcome to The Era Of Motivation Overload. The Age of Affirmations. The 5am Club. The Seize The Day Gang. The Squad Goals. The Ice Bath Brigade. The Sun Risers. The Sun Setters. Jesus. The Hybrid Work Posse. The Tough-Iron-Marathon-Hiker Gang. The Weekly Sheet Maskers. The Fucking Coordinated Family Outfit Wearers. As someone who is, ya […] ‘It’s The Most Wonderful Time of the Yearr…’ we sing in our house as Halloween approaches. We really do love it – from the second school is back in session we are planning our decorating theme, our costumes, the movies we will watch every Friday for ‘Movie & Pizza Night’ and genuinely, it’s pretty much […] My mind has been blown by my kids and their veggie ways this year. Jacob (9) has been vegetarian for just over two years now and is really, really into it. Like, in a major, I-can’t-order-fish-without-him-having-a-meltdown into it. ‘WHY would you eat fish? Fish are our friends! MAM!’ The guilt is too much so I […] When Lockdown The First hit us in March I instantly lost all sense of time and space. We closed our two Skinny Batch Bakery locations, sent all the engineers and staff home from Dynamic Ltd; as everyone locked the doors and pulled down the blinds while we waited for the CoronaZombies to fuck off. Which […] If 20s are the new teens and 30s are the new 20s, 40s the new 30s and so on.. when does middle age officially begin now? I recently turned 42 and let me tell you.. all hell is breaking loose. If I compare photos from last year to this, there are outrageous differences – I […]
Menopause The Boozical | Act 1
Newborns Are Awesome Book Launch!
Top Tips From Two Serial House Movers
Communion? What a Waste of a Year.
Is 11 the New 14?
The Time Is Now! (Or Whenever Suits You, Honestly)
Operation: Hallowe’en
Kids Sweets. Why are they so gross though?
Periods of the Pandemic
Me and My Middle-Aged Chocolate Spread