My good pal Miriam is the founder and owner of SuperHands Baby Sign Language (we have a cool post and video all about it here!).
She and I only met after Jacob had begun to speak but I wished we’d met before. You see, Jacob really, REALLY wanted to tell us stuff all the time, he wanted us to understand what he wanted, between the ages of 9 months and 1 and a half. But he couldn’t speak yet. So as we stared at him quizzically when he made attempts to speak, and didn’t have a clue what he wanted, he got really frustrated and really mad. And I don’t blame him. Knowing what you want to say but not having the words to say it must suck.
(Anyhow, we persevered, and now he just has tantrums about pretty much everything else).
But SuperHands Baby Sign Language could have helped with all of that frustration, had I known about it sooner and so I am determined to try it out this time with Eva. And for the first time ever, classes are available in my hometown of Rush!! Whoppee!
The course begins on March 12th in the Community Centre and here are some of the benefits to you and your baby:
1. It gets you out of the house with your baby for a structured activity.
2. It increases the bond between you and your baby by spending quality time interacting with them – giving you a better understanding of your baby’s wants, needs and personality.
3. Accelerates communication – babies start to babble more and attempt to communicate more regularly.
4. You get to meet lots of lovely, like-minded parents in a relaxed environment.
5. Baby really enjoys the class as there are lots of age-appropriate toys and musical instruments, and they love the songs and poems.
6. You get to learn lots of new nursery rhymes and poems as well as practicing those long-forgotten ones from your childhood.
7. It’s a lot of fun!
The 6-week course is €100 and includes a bright and colourful illustrated dictionary of baby sign language and a CD of songs and poems to sign to.
See you there? OH YES! The booking info is right HERE.
[SuperHands founder Miriam Devitt also wrote a piece for us on Infant Communication that you should totally check out]