I am ALWAYS on the lookout for tips on things to do with Jacob at home – especially on those days when it’s either pouring down outside OR you’ve got a sick child and can’t leave the house OR you’re wrecked and can’t bear to leave the house one way or the other. He totally gets cabin fever just like the rest of us so a planned activity at home can really break up the afternoon.
Then of course there are the weekends and mid terms and days off and holidays to fill with as much fun as possible (phew!), so I was delighted to come across the this online resource to help me with some cool ideas.
Help My Kid Learn is a website developed by the National Adult Literacy Agency (NALA). It promotes family literacy by giving parents, guardians and family members fun ideas to help build their child’s literacy and numeracy skills. The activities range from traditional games and activities to suggested online games and apps and are aimed at kids from age 0 to age 12. You don’t have to register, and it is totally free. On the website you can sign up for a monthly online newsletter to keep you up to date with new items on the website, or like them on Facebook