If you are secretly pregnant.. congrats. (I promise your secret is safe with me!)
At Week 4 you might not even realise that you’re pregnant yet and are wondering if you’re so exhausted simply because you drank so much wine at the weekend OR because you are already mum to a small child.
I knew between weeks 4 and 6 that I was pregnant with both of my kiddos – I’m acutely aware of my body’s changes and ran for pregnancy tests as soon as my symptoms presented themselves!
Finding out this early means you have a VERY long pregnancy but you also get to keep a secret with your partner for ages too before you reveal the Big News in a couple of months’ time!
I recorded these Week By Week Pregnancy Guides with HerFamily and WaterWipes in January and I think they’ve turned out SO well.
There’ll be an update each week on their Facebook page and YouTube accounts and I’ll share them here too.
I hope we can share your exciting preggo journey together – this all isn’t making me broody at all, I SWEAR!
Got any nice pregnancy announcement ideas to share? We’d love to hear them so let us know in the comments on Facebook!