Tag Archives: nominations

Needy Me, Needing You (Ah Haaaaa….)

awards-300x300Oh yes, here I am, looking for shtuff. On my knees, you might say (what do you mean, ‘AGAIN’?!)

I am wondering if you’ll do me a flavour and nominate me for an Irish Parenting Blog Award please? I’ll cut to the chase and just give you instructions on what to do, so you can get back to watching House Of Cards. Fair enough?



1. Log on to The Nominations Page!

2. Add your name & email address.

3. Click on ‘Raising Ireland’ in as many of the 10 categories as you think I deserve. I’m particularly interested in ‘Best Parenting Blog’, ‘Best Personal Blog’ and ‘Most Entertaining Blog’ (she says, humbly)

4. For the last one, ‘Best Post Of The Year’, could you please give a nod to the amazing interview I did with brave and proud mammy to her gay son, Marc Cleary and enter this link: ‘I Cried For Ireland’ – Pamela Cleary

That’s it! I thank you for your kind consideration. After all, I’m just a girl, sitting in front of a laptop, asking you to love her. Y’know?!

(Now get back to wanting to punch Kevin Spacey in the face).
