My day started out with a finger up my ass.
Don’t worry, it was a professional finger – that of my doctor and to be fair to her, I did ask her to do it.
My internals have been a bit wonky since Eva was born and so I finally got my finger out of my.. annnywaaaay, I made an appointment with the doc so that she could do all the usual tests.
I didn’t just endure the butt-rummage but she got the ole syringe out for bloods too, which always makes me feel a little sorry for myself. So I took my sorry.. (see? I can’t even mention it now) self, off for a nice cup of tea afterwards before heading to the office.
I was feeling just about human again so I hit the road.
And there, at the ridiculously bonkers roundabout at the 3Arena, with trucks and vans and cyclists and lunacy whirring around and over the bridge to Irishtown at an alarming rate..
a taxi driver boinked right into the back of my car. The fucker.
He approached and asked me if I was alright to which my drama queen dutifully squealed back at high pitch in response;
“No I’m not ok! I’m calling the police!”
A few points to note on this:
- One is absolutely supposed to call the police in the case of a road accident so high fives to my inner drama queen for reminding me of that.
- 911 is NOT the number for the emergency services in Ireland.
- When you calm down and realise there is no damage whatsoever to your car, you’re going to feel a bit silly for calling the GardaĆ but they’re on their way anyway so you may as well start wondering if they’ll send one of the handsome ones.
- Your husband (I still love calling him that!) will arrive and park his jeep at a very precarious angle at the side of the roundabout without a fuck given what anyone thinks BECAUSE HE IS HERE TO RESCUE YOU.
- Your back will start to feel a bit achy. You’ll remind yourself that your back has been achy since that time you fell off a stripper pole but you’ll still wonder what outfits you have that might go best with a neck brace.
- That same husband will flag down a passing garda car and ask them if they’re here to deal with the fender bender. They’ll joke “Did you want the armed unit?!” HAR HAR I’M FUCKING FREEZING STANDING HERE GLAD ALL YOU GUYS ARE HAVING THE CRAIC!!
- A traffic cop will arrive on his motorbike, with those leather pants on. I’ll just leave that there.
- You’ll be asked to produce your driver’s license. As you rummage through your handbag, you can visualise it, in a Doc McStuffins ‘doctors bag’ that your daughter has been using as an official medical badge. At home in your house. You explain this to Sexy Leathers Cop. He will move swiftly on.
- You start to feel a little bit sorry for the taxi driver that you’ve created all this drama. Then you remember the doctor’s surgery not one hour ago. He doesn’t know what you’ve been through today already.
- Sexy Leathers Cop will ask for some paper to write his details on. Any fleeting thoughts that you and he are about to become best buddies is quashed by a yellow and brown hand-drawn picture of what looks like Jesus on a crucifix on your work notebook. “It’s a Gingerbread Man”, you explain to him. “Jacob’s learning all about how bread is made in school. See the connection there.. ginger.. bread.. har har?!”
We all got out of there alive. I’m now taking this sad and sorry ASS to bed x