Tag Archives: Advice

Healthy Mammy, Healthy Baby

Exercise and Lifestyle tips for Great Health Before, During & After Pregnancy


Before, During & After

Women who are pregnant or trying to conceive should eat an unprocessed, varied diet rich in fruit and vegetables, wholegrains, fish and lean meats to get the nutrients their body needs for optimal fertility.

Zinc is essential for fertility and pregnancy. Great sources of zinc are beef, lamb, wheat germ, spinach and pumpkin seeds.

Omega 3 essential fatty acids are also important before, throughout and after pregnancy. Omega 3 helps to balance hormones and reduce stress. During pregnancy it is essential for the formation of the baby’s brain and eyes. It also reduces your risk of post natal depression and preeclampsia. Omega 3 is found in seafood such as salmon and mackerel. Other good sources are walnuts, spirulina and flax.

Stocking up on your iron reserves before pregnancy is important to prevent postpartum anaemia, as your iron needs during pregnancy significantly increase. Iron is found in dark green leafy veg such spinach as well as red meat. If you are vegan, make sure that you are supplementing with B12, as this vitamin is needed for proper iron absorption and is not found in fruit, veg or grains.

Everyone knows that you need folic acid before and during pregnancy. Supplementation is often advised to prevent developmental problems, such as neural tube defects, which can occur due to deficiency. Folic acid is naturally found in greens such as spinach, asparagus and broccoli. It is also in citrus fruits, bananas, strawberries, peas, beans and lentils.

Calcium needs increase during pregnancy. Calcium from dark green leafy vegetables is actually absorbed better than calcium from dairy. Green leafy veg is also a great source of vitamin K, which is needed for calcium absorption.

Vitamin D is really important for bone growth of your baby during the latter half of pregnancy. New babies get vitamin D from their mother’s breast milk. Vitamin D deficiency in infants is linked with rickets, poor immune function and developmental delays. It is also important for the mother, as low levels during pregnancy are associated with preeclampsia, caesarean section and bacterial vaginosis. Vitamin D deficiency is widespread in countries higher up in the northern hemisphere, such as Ireland. Furthermore, dietary forms of vitamin D are inadequate, so unless you are getting outside into some sunshine for at least 20 minutes a day you should consider supplementing with vitamin D3.

Foods to watch

Cut out the refined carbs, which can hurt your chances of conceiving, especially if you have PCOS (Polycystic Ovary Syndrome). Refined carbs can affect your insulin and cortisol levels, which in turn can wreak havoc on your hormones.

Other thing to limit or avoid are alcohol, caffeine, smoking, cod liver oil (high in vitamin A) and tinned tuna (potentially high in mercury).


When trying to conceive

Exercise is important for overall health and fertility. If you are planning to get pregnant you should avoid doing too much high intensity exercise such as running as this can negatively impact fertility.

During Pregnancy

Exercise during pregnancy is associated with numerous health benefits for both mother and the baby. Mothers who exercise during pregnancy are less likely to need a caesarean section, are out of hospital faster and have a shorter active labour. Prenatal exercise helps to prevent excess weight gain and lower back pain. Exercise during pregnancy also offers psychological benefits, helping to improve body image and reduce depression!

It is important that pregnant women engage in exercises that are safe in pregnancy, such as walking, Pilates, swimming and yoga. High intensity exercises such as running can be fine if the woman has already been exercising at that level for some time, however advice from a physician is advisable.

Pilates is a great option both during and after pregnancy as it improves core and pelvic floor strength, spinal and joint mobility, posture, breath control, balance and coordination. Strengthening the pelvic floor muscles during and after pregnancy can help prevent urinary incontinence as well as producing strong and well controlled muscles that facilitate labour.

Post Pregnancy

If you have had an uncomplicated vaginal delivery, you can generally start exercising as soon as you feel able. Exercise after pregnancy helps to get your body back into shape. In addition it can boost mood, energy levels and relieve stress. Post pregnancy classes can be sociable as they are a great way to meet other mothers. Pilates after pregnancy helps to strengthen the pelvic floor muscles that can be weakened or damaged during childbirth.

For more on the services that Finesse offer, see: Finesse on Facebook


***If you are concerned about any area of your physical health before or after conception, please take advice from a medical professional***

[Did you miss ‘3 Things Not To Say To A Pregnant Lady’? Watch it HERE]


3 Things NOT To Say To A Pregnant Lady


…as you rub the bump you weren’t invited to rub. Do you seriously not understand that a pregnancy bump isn’t some sort of ‘clip-on extension’ to my body – it is an actual part of me that starts under my boobs and stops at my vagina. My vagina. If you insist on grabbing for it and rubbing the underside of the bump – at my vagina – with that ridiculously delighted-to-be-a-part-of-the-magic grin on your face, I’m going to put my hand right down your boyfriend’s pants the next time I see him. Shove that up your Debbie McGee.


Are you joking me? I’m entirely exhausted from growing this person inside me as I carry on working/walking the dog/dealing with the increasingly deranged staff in Eurocycles/Eurobabies, I had to quit smoking, my Forever 21 sparkly mini dress now makes me look like Little Miss Sunshine when I wear it, no one will have sex with me (and believe me, I’ve asked everyone), I’ve just watched the video of a woman giving birth from the 70s in Holles Street – and you’d like to tell me that I’m fat?! I swear to god, I could smack you with my shoes…. If I could reach those Birkenstocks.


This is also known as ‘Have you not had that baby yet ha ha!’, a distant cousin of ‘Is it your first? You’ll probably go about two weeks over so’. Like, who are you – some uterin cosmologist who specifically knows the course of my gestation period? And if so, where the fuck were you approximately (who can say, we were drunk a lot) 40 weeks ago to tell me to make him put on a condom? And yes, to answer your first cousin above, I am clearly ‘still here’ (and fairly hormonal).



I'm Pregnant So Back  The F*ck Off!! ;o)

I’m Pregnant So Back
The F*ck Off!! ;o)