I am (still) desperately trying to organize my digital self. Currently, there are photos & videos on three machines, countless memory sticks, two external hard-drives, Google+, Google Drive, Dropbox, iPhoto, iMovies – you name it and they are in there. Scattered. Disorganised. CHAOS.
So I am dedicating the month of August to sorting everything out, in order to catalogue the beautiful pics we have taken of our family, our friends and their families, our family’s families… you get the drift. It is partly so that my OCD self feels more organized in that department, secondly so that my laptop doesn’t blow up, but mostly so that our own kids won’t have any trouble finding baby pics of themselves when they’re older. What is nicer when you’re a scorpy adult than to be reminded of how pure and happy you once were via the cute pics your parents stored away?
I love this old photograph collection of mothers and their kids, as featured on the Huffington Post website. My absolute favorite is No. 21 – the happiest mammy in the world, with the kid with the cutest bum.
Check it out HERE and send us your own favorite family pics xxx