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Teenage Girls

I am a mother to two teenager daughters.  I actually never ever wanted kids…I remember as a self assured and confident 18 year old Know-It-All, telling a rather shocked boyfriend at the time that I had decided no way was I ever ever having kids.  I had made up my mind that they would surely cramp my lifestyle, that I would have this huge responsibility for EVER, and that they would cost me a fortune.  I had it all worked out, I was going to live in a really nice apartment – Ranelagh or Rathgar perhaps – and have a fantastic social life every night of the week…and of course a successful career.

Fast forward ten years, I was 28 years old.  I had somehow managed to work my way up through the wonderfully interesting & exciting world of insurance and had a pretty good job. I had also somehow managed to find myself married and mortgaged with a house in The ‘Burbs.  Not exactly Sex And The City stuff.  But I was still quite sure that I did not need to accessorise my life with children, and in fact when work colleagues brought their new babies into work, I was the one who stayed firmly at my desk. None of that running up to ‘Ooh!’ and ‘Aww’ at the delightful little bundles of sour milk and poo!

Then I succumbed to pressure – mainly from my then Husband, perhaps a little bit too from everyone around me having babies, and the idea of it sort of seemed like a challenge….a dare even! So at the ripe old age of 29 I had my first daughter, Rhianne, who was of course absolutely the most fantastic and most beautiful baby that ever was born on this planet!

I went back to work after my maternity leave was up, and Rhianne was enrolled in my local crèche.  When she was almost two, I suddently thought how delightful it would be if she could have a brother or sister to play with….gulp! So by 32 I welcomed Alex Beatrice into my world and was a full time working Mammy of two little girls. I say ‘my’ world, as the marriage I was in was by then crumbling, and I was pretty much doing everything for the kids by myself anyway.

Something funny happened shortly after I had the second baby. I was in my local hotel bar, when who did I bump into only the ex-boyfriend I was with when I was 18 – yes, the one I swore to I was not having kids. Well, I had to kind of laugh, and say, yeah, I have two of them now!  (There is no side story here by the way…he had really let himself go… I had a lucky escape ;o) )

I made the decision to divorce the girl’s father when the youngest one was only two. I hope it has done them more good than harm. We have moved house about five times; they have moved schools and counties with me, and we are now finally settled in the same area I grew up in …back in The ‘Burbs.

The girls are now 14 and almost 17 and I was right about one thing, they do cost me a fortune. Perhaps I will someday retire to a nice old folks apartment block in Ranelagh or Rathgar… if they don’t wheel me into a psychiatric ward first.


Olive's Beautiful Teenage Daughters

Olive’s Beautiful Teenage Daughters

[Like this? Good. Then check out The Spider Catcher. Off you go ;o) )

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Tired of reading parenting magazines and articles featuring ‘perfect’ parents, warning against having babies too young, too old, too…middlely…. and that if you don’t plan to breast feed for the first ten years of your child’s life, you’re already a terrible parent?

Well you won’t get any of that rubbish here. Read our honest and enlightening blogs from Sharyn Hayden and other truly entertaining contributors – some of them don’t even want kids and we say that’s fine too! It’ll all put a smile on your face, promise…